Play It Again

Marble Painting
Acquisitions by local children's hospitals have me back at the easel with a favorite subject matter: marbles! The donated piece was received so well, that several more paintings were commissioned. 

In addition to the marbles, titled by my client, Play It Again, I have created a series of paintings based on sidewalk chalk drawings that reportedly will hang in a toddlers' emergency room waiting area. 

I had a few kids help me with this project. Former art students of mine, Linden, Alani, Nyah, and Savannah, drew great pictures and I redrew their ideas and style for reference in the paintings. I wanted the style to have an authentic child-like quality, and who can do that better than a few gifted 2nd and 3rd graders? 

My continued gratitude to everyone who contributed and helped me with these projects. I can think of no greater purpose for art than to help lift spirits in a place of healing.

Chalk Painting

Allison Leigh Smith selected to juror The Emerging Artists of West Virginia Exhibition

The opening of this exhibit will coincide with the dedication of the West Virginia State Museum on June 20 through October 25

Phoenix Children's Hospital Acquisition


Allow me to share my latest painting with you and the story behind its creation.

It has been a desire of mine to see my work hung in places where it may have the power to please and uplift many individuals within the room where it hangs. It occurred to me that if this was my wish, I did not have to wait for such a place to acquire my work, but instead I could offer my art to a location where I believe it could do exactly that. When I moved to Scottsdale in July 2008, I contacted Phoenix Children’s Hospital and discussed my idea with the designers and consultants in charge of decorating the hospital. 

Donating a piece is not as simple as it may seem, I soon found out. One must be conscientious of it’s primary audience and their circumstances. For instance, I wanted to donate a painting of an animal. The designers delicately informed me that there are no portraits or faces of any kind in the art collection because if a child is on medication, a sweet friendly face can possibly warp into something visually frightening. 

I suggested a painting of ribbon candy, and again I was educated that children
should not have reminders of things they may not be able to have under their special circumstances. 

Thus humbled and set straight on the commission I was undertaking, those in charge requested a painting based on the marbles I painted a couple years ago. The request increased in size and I was given 15 color swatches on which to base my pallet.

For the past six weeks I have been working nonstop on this piece and am proud to say that the hospital is using my painting as a basis for other decor decisions in the new Mesa branch of Phoenix Children’s Hospital. For instance, I am told several acrylic boxes set on tall bases are being filled with single hued marbles to stand as a sculptural element with the same theme. 
This is the largest painting I have created and easily my proudest accomplishment to date. It is sincerely a pleasure and honor to thank you for your interest and support. 

Untitled Show

Rio Gallery – “Untitled” (Salt Lake City, UT) May 16 - June 6

Bountiful Davis Arts Center

Bountiful/Davis Art Center – "Annual Statewide Competition and Exhibition," will be exhibited from February, 15 through March 28. This is one of the longest-running juried visual arts exhibitions in Utah. The purpose of the exhibit is to highlight the works of Utah's most creative visual artists.

Best of Show

A Step in the Right Direction | Oil on Linen | 50 x 30 | Best of Show
Library Square — "President's Art Show," Salt Lake City, UT, Feb 22 - March 8

Another People's Choice Award

8 legs 4 web
Utah's Hogle Zoo — "World of the Wild," Salt Lake City, UT, Feb 9 - April 6

Contemporary Realism


Tanner Frames — "Contemporary Realism," featuring paintings by Allison Leigh Smith and Nate Ronniger, through Dec. 22. Artists' reception Friday, Dec. 7, from 6 - 9 p.m.

Springville Museum of Art

Springville Museum of Art — "83rd Annual Spring Salon," featuring Rain on the Scarecrow by Allison Leigh Smith, April. 29 - July 8. Juror Jacob Collins

Peoples Choice Award

Museum of Utah Art and History — "President's Art Show," SLC, Utah, February 9 - 24

Honorable Mention

Coleman Studios Gallery — "Freedom Festival," Provo, UT, July